Repeater Donations
Klondyke equipment is housed in a concrete equipment building that is not air conditioned. Extended use of the National System and 6625 repeaters can cause significant heat build up. While the design of the system is such that the transmitters can be operated for extended periods without failure, we do request that use of the repeaters, especially the National System, is kept to a “reasonable” amount to avoid long term damage to the equipment. This is particularly true on very hot summer days where the exposed site does heat up causing a rise in the internal ambient temperature. The Wellington VHF Group have kindly allowed us to post their recommendations regarding the National System use which is seen below.
National System usage guide.
Please avoid the use of the National System for local chatter, move to a local repeater or simplex if possible. It holds the whole country on, not just your local repeater. Please make sure minimum of 3 second gaps between overs. At busy times 5 seconds is recommended. Key up delay from the Far North to the Far South is several mS so the gaps are very important so others can access if required. Please limit conversation to a max of 20 mins and if possible move to simplex or a local repeater. A conversation on your local National System repeater activates the whole system nation wide.
Klondyke and other details as well as donations made for Repeaters